A to Z Services and Projects


IMPULSE PLUS will effectively transfer to new regions and cities the main outputs developed during the previous MED project IMPULSE.

This includes the provision of support tools for the development of gradual renovation plans and financial planning for cost-optimal solutions for public building stocks.

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Smart and adaptive interfaces for INCLUSIVE work environment

Smart and adaptive interfaces for INCLUSIVE work environment

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INKREASE - INnovation and Knowledge for REgional Actions and SystEms

INKREASE is a project involving 7 European regions that aims at improving the innovation delivery capacity of the participating regions, mainstreaming into the regional strategies advanced policies and tools to increase the capacities of the various innovation ecosystems, reinforce the collaboration between research and business communities and exploit the economic valorization processes of research results

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INN@SE | Innovative Social Entrepreneurship with Youth Engagement

I partner elaboreranno una metodologia congiunta che mette insieme le loro diverse esperienze in tema di empowerment dei giovani, nella formazione, nella ricerca in economia sociale e nello sviluppo di startup, per sostenere le organizzazioni profit e no profit per coinvolgere meglio i giovani in temi di innovazione sociale e supportarli nello sviluppo di imprese sociali sostenibili.

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Sharing Strategies for European Research and Innovation Infrastructures

The goal of INNO INFRA SHARE is to improve the accessibility and exploitation – also at the interregional level - of local Research and Innovation infrastructures (RII) by SMEs

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IoTwins | Distributed Digital Twins for industrial SMEs: a big-data platform

IoTwins aims at enabling SMEs in the manufacturing and facility management/service sectors to access edge-enabled and cloud-based big-data analysis services to create hybrid digital companions to improve their production process and optimize the management of their facilities. 

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IT-ER - International Talents in Emilia-Romagna

It is one of the initiatives of ART-ER on behalf of the Regional Government of Emilia-Romagna, aimed at promoting study and research opportunities for international students and researchers, as well as collaboration among regional innovation ecosystem actors and Emilia-Romagna expat living abroad.

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KITT4SME | platform-enabled KITs of arTificial intelligence FOR an easy uptake by SMEs

Vuole fornire strumenti per agevolare l'ingresso delle tecnologie di Intelligenza Artificiale nei processi produttivi delle piccole e medie imprese.

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Le Serre di ASTER - accelerator programme

It provides an acceleration path including various services devoted to business creation - training, meetings, advisory services, networking - with the aim of increasing beneficiaries' skills and ability to enter and remain in the market.

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LEEWAY - LEading coopEration toWArds energy communities policies tackling energy povertY

The project targets renewable energy is part of the Interreg Europe 2021/2027 Territorial Cooperation Program.

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