CASTIEL | Coordination and Support for National Competence Centres on a European Level

CASTIEL | Coordination and Support for National Competence Centres on a European Level

CASTIEL´s mission is to contribute to the success of the activities of the National Competence Centres (as realized in the Research and Innovation Action (RIA) in the same call – EuroHPC-04-2019 by tackling both the maintenance and
strengthening of excellence, while identifying and closing gaps due to the diverse levels of maturity between the different nations. CASTIEL will therefore bring together a core consortium to setup a framework of activities that will support the evolution of each single National Competence Centre and enable them step by step to get closer together in terms of capabilities and expertise.


CSA - Innovating and widening the HPC use and skills base (H2020-JTI-EuroHOC-2019-2


24 months


1.999.881 €

Project manager: 
Lucia Mazzoni
Area di attività: