ER2Digit | Emilia-Romagna Regional Ecosystem of Digital Innovation

ER2Digit | Emilia-Romagna Regional Ecosystem of Digital Innovation

ER2Digit is a European Digital Innovation Hub located in the Emilia-Romagna region, where it focuses mainly on AI and supercomputing technologies to support the strategic use of data for the enhancement of public services, offering access to top-notch hardware and software infrastructures, while contributing to the assurance of trustworthy data processing.

Three core partners constitute ER2Digit, all of them not for profit and participated by regional or national public entities: ART-ER, with its experience in the implementation of innovation policies of the Region and in the coordination of the local ecosystem, LEPIDA, the main public regional player directly supporting digitalisation of the public sector, and CINECA, owner of one of the most important HPC facilities in Europe and worldwide.
The High Technology Network of Emilia-Romagna, will also be directly involved. This is made of more than 90 accredited industrial labs and innovation centres, working to digitalise SMEs and local public sector bodies across the Region.

Over the last years, the Emilia-Romagna Region has implemented a series of coordinated actions aiming to create a regional “Data Valley”: ER2Digit’s services are aligned to this vision, making it the one-stop-shop that will help local PAs and businesses to thrive by taking maximum advantage of digital technologies.

The activities of ER2Digit are based on a wide service portfolio, aligned to the key themes and priorities of the EDIH network initiative.


Funding programme:

Start/End date:
dal 01/12/2022 al 30/11/2025 (36 months)

Project manager: 
Lucia Mazzoni | Daniele Sangiorgi
Indirizzo e-mail: 
Area di attività: 
Canali tematici: