INNO INFRA SHARE: Second study visit to Italy

INNO INFRA SHARE: Second study visit to Italy


From 29th of November to 1st December ASTER, lead partner of INNO INFRA SHARE, will host the second study visit in the Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy. All the project partners and their regional stakeholders will have a chance to visit the best practices analysed.

The Emilia-Romagna Region Research and Innovation Infrastructures (industrial Research Labs and Innovation Centres) are all gathered in the High Technology Network – an unique gateway which provides expertise, tools and resources for the industrial development.

In particular, two visits will be hosted by Mist-ER - a research lab which offers frontier technology services in the biomedical sector (projects on microelectronic devices for portable dialysis machines, characterization of fibre filters for dialysis, magnetization of nanostructures predictive diagnostics for automatic machinery) and by the Inter-departmental Centre for Industrial Research in Mechanics and Material (CIRI MAM) that works in the field of advanced applications in mechanical engineering and materials technology.

Other excellences of the Emilia Romagna will take part in the various workshop sessions, and in detail MUSP - working with the advanced manufacturing, the biomedical Technopole in Mirandola (Modena) and Softech, who holds excellent competences in robotics, IoT, artificial intelligence, big data, simulation and modelling, software.

The event is on invitation only.