Portable Instant Mineral Analysis Systems: on-line the PIMAS Service Catalogue and the Application Form

Portable Instant Mineral Analysis Systems: on-line the PIMAS Service Catalogue and the Application Form


PIMAS is a Network of Infrastructure (NoI) of the KIC-Raw Material offering compositional and structural characterization services of minerals, metals, and other, based on laser, X-ray, optoelectronic, and acoustic techniques. At the same time, it also provides consulting services on related technological and software developments.

The NOI PIMAS has the objective to define advanced sensors for mining operation, devoted to provide an instant and precise evaluation of the mineral content and enhance the economic exploitation of mine reserves. The NOI consists of research centers and university with diversified expertise in mining exploration, in mineral multi-analytical evaluation, in devising and developing advanced sensors, and in data integration by Internet of Things tools.

The NOI PIMAS aims to overcome former characterization methods based on time-consuming sampling-and-analysis, defining a new generation of advanced sensors for mining operation, and promoting their usefulness for on-site real-time analysis of minerals, cutting the time-for-analysis and exploration costs.

If you want to get a deeper insight on PIMAS project, go to this link, but…

…if you need to perform a mineral analysis and you are looking for specific services.

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