Agenda digitale

BEST-DIH | Boosting European DIH Success Through a new funding mix approach

Obiettivo del progetto è migliorare l'attuazione delle politiche di sviluppo regionale nel campo della trasformazione digitale,

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ECN | European Crowdfunding Network

The European Crowdfunding Network AISBL (ECN) is a professional network aimed at innovating, representing, promoting and protecting the European crowdfunding industry.

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ER2Digit | Emilia-Romagna Regional Ecosystem of Digital Innovation

ER2Digit is a European Digital Innovation Hub located in the Emilia-Romagna region, where it focuses mainly on AI and supercomputing technologies to support the strategic use of data for the enhancement of public services, offering access to top-notch hardware and software infrastructures, while contributing to the assurance of trustworthy data processing

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FIRST - Funding for Innovation, Research and Technological Development

First is a service created by ASTER in 1999 with the aim to provide information, analysis and assistance on opportunities offered by regional, national and European funds for innovation, research and technological development.

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Smart and adaptive interfaces for INCLUSIVE work environment

Smart and adaptive interfaces for INCLUSIVE work environment

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Sharing Strategies for European Research and Innovation Infrastructures

The goal of INNO INFRA SHARE is to improve the accessibility and exploitation – also at the interregional level - of local Research and Innovation infrastructures (RII) by SMEs

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Le Serre di ASTER - accelerator programme

It provides an acceleration path including various services devoted to business creation - training, meetings, advisory services, networking - with the aim of increasing beneficiaries' skills and ability to enter and remain in the market.

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Network of Technology Transfer Nodes for Enhanced Open Innovation in Central Europe advanced manufacturing and processing industry

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Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other Participating Countries.

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RegionARTS | Enhancing SME growth by the integration of artists in ICT projects

Ha come obiettivo la valorizzazione delle politiche a favore delle Industrie Culturali e Creative.

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