Industrie culturali e creative

CHEBEC | Hacking the Mediterranean economy through the Creative and Cultural Sector

Chebec supports Cultural and Creative Industries access to new markets while keeping their own identity, aiming at favoring MED clusters attractiveness for creative people.

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ECN | European Crowdfunding Network

The European Crowdfunding Network AISBL (ECN) is a professional network aimed at innovating, representing, promoting and protecting the European crowdfunding industry.

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FIRST - Funding for Innovation, Research and Technological Development

First is a service created by ASTER in 1999 with the aim to provide information, analysis and assistance on opportunities offered by regional, national and European funds for innovation, research and technological development.

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FLIP for CCIs 3 | Finance Learning Innovation & Patenting for CCI

The present action (FLIP for CCIs-3) will build on the achievements of the previous two pilot projects (FLIP-1 and FLIP-2), complement them and prepare proposals with a view to the adoption of future actions/basic acts for sustaining and developing CCIs. The main objective of the FLIP-3 action is to organise activities in the areas of Financing, Learning, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights for cultural and creative sectors. The objective of the action is also to work in a cross-sectoral manner between the different project’s components.

ART-ER is associated partner

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Le Serre di ASTER - accelerator programme

It provides an acceleration path including various services devoted to business creation - training, meetings, advisory services, networking - with the aim of increasing beneficiaries' skills and ability to enter and remain in the market.

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Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other Participating Countries.

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RegionARTS | Enhancing SME growth by the integration of artists in ICT projects

Ha come obiettivo la valorizzazione delle politiche a favore delle Industrie Culturali e Creative.

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The objective of the SHAR-EEN project is to identify and link-up with collaborative economy platforms, exchange experience with all relevant stakeholders and help European SMEs

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