Innovazione sociale

EU-BELONG | An Intercultural Approach to Migrant Integration in Europe's Regions

The project aims at increasing the intercultural competences of public and private stakeholders to effectively address integration challenges within their regional territories


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Impact Agencies - Impact Actions for social innovation agencies

It intends to reshape and make more efficient a set of services to support BICs and incubators through the Twinning Advanced methodology. 

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INN@SE | Innovative Social Entrepreneurship with Youth Engagement

I partner elaboreranno una metodologia congiunta che mette insieme le loro diverse esperienze in tema di empowerment dei giovani, nella formazione, nella ricerca in economia sociale e nello sviluppo di startup, per sostenere le organizzazioni profit e no profit per coinvolgere meglio i giovani in temi di innovazione sociale e supportarli nello sviluppo di imprese sociali sostenibili.

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RaiSE | Enhancing social enterprises competitiveness through improved business support policies

The extension of the RaiSE project is devoted to the exchange of experiences on the impact of Covid-19 on business support policies to social enterprises (SE), in coherence and continuity with RaiSE project’s results

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RESET | Relaunching Employment with Social Economy in the Territories

The RESET project aims to create a European network of local and regional authorities which exchange good practices on social economy and social enterprise model to maintain employment and include vulnerable people. In particular, RESET intends to enhance interaction and improving collaboration between existing social economy networks and stakeholders at regional and local level, to boost inter-regional learning between public and private actors and to contribute to a gradual building of a Social Economy community.

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RISE-ALB | Rafforzamento dell’Imprenditorialità SocialE in Albania

The project promotes social entrepreneurship in support of job placement of vulnerable categories. It develops along three levels:

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SCHIP | Social Challenges Innovation Platform

A platform aiming at creating a marketplace where actual social challenges can meet powerful and innovative solutions

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SILK | Social Solidarity Economy International Learning and Knowledge Community of Peers

SILK intends to establish an international community of peers for the exchange of good practices and measures to support the internationalization of social enterprises. The project is led by the Network Diesis and the partnership is made up of public administrations, third sector organizations, research centers, regional agencies and trade associations from European and non-European countries that are starting to deepen the topic of internalization in companies or have already launched dedicated initiatives and programs.

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