Rock | Regeneration and optimisation of Cultural Heritage in creative and knowledge cities

Rock | Regeneration and optimisation of Cultural Heritage in creative and knowledge cities

OVERALL CONCEPT ROCK is based on the development of a shared multi-cultural, multi-heritage and multi-stakeholders city vision, which integrates heritage-led regeneration, sustainable economic development, city promotion,and knowledge sharing. ROCK develops and applies an innovative circular systemic approach to connect different actors, places of CH value and systems, at a European level as well as at a local level, facilitating the innovation process and the adoption of environmentally and socially sound solutions to achieve sustainable growth.


Project partners

  • Municipality of Bologna, Coordinator
  • Universities: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA, INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS SOCIAIS DA UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA, TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT EINDHOVEN; UNIVERSITY OF YORK, Ss. CYRIL AND METHODIUS UNIVERSITY IN SKOPJE, ANOTATI SCHOLI KALON TECHNON, VILNIAUS GEDIMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITETAS VIESOJI ISTAIGA- with their interdisciplinary expertise, constitute the knowledge of the Consortium, offering comprehensive and integrated view of historic cities and their potentialities of sustainable growth).
  • Dissemination Networks: as EUROCITIES and ICLEI act as an umbrella, to help co-ordinate all cities into a unified and focused force to support the sharing activities, and as a glue between the different municipalities involved.
  • Development and Consulting Groups: -TASO, Athens Development and Destination Management Agency, URBASOFIA, FONDAZIONE FITZCARRALDO are the vision facilitators, helping the development of a unified vision and delivery plan for heritage-led regeneration, in compliance with RIS3 contributing to the creation of ROCK communities of practices.
  • SMEs and Companies: ACCIONA, JULIES BICYCLE, Viabizzuno, DFRC, Virtualware are the innovators of the consortium engaged in brokering positive change in a sustainable way. They have a key role in the piloting and demonstrating activities.
  • Developers as Nowhere and Corvallis create a digital and interoperable tool to interconnect all ROCK actions and to manage all the data produced.
  • Industry Driven Associations – Confindustria Servizi Innovativi e Tecnologici, Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industry/Transilvania Branch, Spanish Green Business Association – represent a joined up proposition to national and international agencies which support the exploitation of ROCK results, their marketability and upscaling, acting also as funding enablers.
  • Municipalities groups. Role Model and Replicators Cities: the Role Model Cities contribute to the sharing phases and to the implementation of ROCK tools/measures, while the Replicator Cities will be proactive actors in the development of the demonstration activities, and improving their capacity building on heritage led regeneration.

End of project


Project manager: 
Sveva Ruggiero