SILK | Social Solidarity Economy International Learning and Knowledge Community of Peers

SILK | Social Solidarity Economy International Learning and Knowledge Community of Peers

SILK intends to establish an international community of peers for the exchange of good practices and measures to support the internationalization of social enterprises. The project is led by the Network Diesis and the partnership is made up of public administrations, third sector organizations, research centers, regional agencies and trade associations from European and non-European countries that are starting to deepen the topic of internalization in companies or have already launched dedicated initiatives and programs. The project will last six months and will be characterized by a first phase of analysis of the respective ecosystems (through a self-assessment questionnaires, swot analysis and desk research). The results will help the partner to set up a peer review and exchange of good practices between with their respective stakeholders. Finally, a phase of mutual learning will be launched, through the organization of study visits, B2B events and in-depth seminars, aimed at strengthening the key competences to start or consolidate internationalization strategies and borrow policies and support measures. SILK will contribute to create synergies between European and non-European organizations, open new markets for social enterprises, support their competitiveness and identify new solutions to social challenges. 


  • Diesis Coop scrl-fs Belgium 
  • REVES Network Belgium 
  • EURICSE - European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises Italy
  • CCEDNET - The Canadian Community Economic Development Network Canada 
  • TARA India
  • CICOPA Switzerland 
  • SEE - Social Economy Europe Belgium 
  • ART-ER Italy
  • AMSTERDAM IMPACT Netherlands 
  • ACCIO' Spain 
  • OREBRO Sweden 
  • USFWC - United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives USA 
  • SSEGOV - Association of Korean Local Governments for Social Economy and Solidarity Korea 
  • MCE Consulting Canada 
  • EES forum international - International network of social and solidarity economy France 
  • SEWF - Social Enterprise World Forum UK 
  • ZSI - Zentrum für Soziale Innovation Austria 
  • INAES - Instituto Nacional de la Economía Social Mexico
  • NCBA/CLUSA - National Cooperative Business Association USA 
  • Mondragon Spain
  • SVS Foundation - The Korean Social Value and Solidarity Foundation Korea 
  • SITAWI - Finanças do Bem Brazil


European Union's Foreign Partnership Instrument - OECD


6 months, from 01/04/2021 to 01/09/2021


378.000 €

Project manager: 
Roberta Dall'Olio
Working Group: 
Alessandra Medici
Canali tematici: