ART-ER Digital Innovation Hub - ER2Digit EDIH
ART-ER (former ASTER) operates as a Digital Innovation Hub in Emilia-Romagna Region, and its value proposition is the connection of stakeholders and the integration of initiatives, services and opportunities to exploit infrastructures, knowledge, experiences for the sake of both companies and providers (of facilities, services, training, etc.).
ART-ER-DIH connects actors and services in order to cover a number of digital technologies domains and provide the right services according to client needs (business and public administration). It gets a specialised offer based on the qualified technical competencies of its partners, complemented by services provided by other actors. This role is positively supported by ART-ER’s shareholders (Emilia-Romagna regional authority, local universities, national research centres, chambers of commerce).
Since 2020 ART-ER has combined its experience as ART-ER DIH with that of LEPIDA and CINECA and has been selected at Italian national level to develop the candidature as European Digital Innovation Hub under the name ER2Digit: Emilia-Romagna Regional Ecosystem of Digital Innovation.
The main objective of ER2Digit is to support the competitiveness of Italian and European companies and improve the quality of Public Administration services by making decision support systems available and widespread, offering access to excellent hardware and software infrastructures, innovative tools and services to enable the strategic potential of data, guaranteeing the lawfulness and ethicality of their processing.