DEBUTING - Developing Business Through Inclusiveness and Gender Awareness - New Cluster Competences

DEBUTING - Developing Business Through Inclusiveness and Gender Awareness - New Cluster Competences

The project focuses on gender equality as a factor of competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and a strategic element for industrial development in Europe.
The issue of gender equality is tackled in a new way, in collaboration with the Clust-ERs, and according to the improvement of regional policies.
Clust-ERs are considered “change agents” and an effective tool to support SMEs in learning about and adopting new equality measures, being key players in the design and implementation of smart specialization strategies.
The goal is to promote the competitiveness of SMEs through a more innovative business model based on an inclusive culture, promoting measures that promote gender equality, demonstrating how the latter can act as an engine of sustainable growth and competitiveness for companies.



  1. Region Värmland (Sweden), lead partner
  2. Innovation agency ADR North West (Romania)
  3. Baden-Württemberg Cluster Agency (Germany)
  4. Ecoplus Agency (Austria)
  5. Grand E-Nov+ Agency (France)
  6. Hungarian Ministry of Finance (Hungary)
  7. ART-ER (Italy)
  8. Regional Council of Lapland (Finland)
  9. Pomorskie Voivodeship (Poland)
  10. Sodena Agency (Navarre, Spain)
  11. University of Karlstad (advisory partner, Sweden)


  1. Emilia-Romagna Region - DG Knowledge, Research, Employment, Business
  2. Cluster-er Agrifood
  3. Cluster-er Build
  4. Cluster-er Greentech
  5. Cluster-er Create
  6. Cluster-er Health
  7. Clust-er Innovate
  8. Clust-er Mech
  9. Cluster-er Tourism
  10. Cluster-er Urban
  11. Regional Union of Chambers of Commerce



Interreg Europe


51 months, from March 1st 2023 to May 31st 2027.


Overall budget: 2.279.549 EURO
ART-ER Budget: 216.032 EURO

Project manager: 
Task Force Progettazione - Claudia Ferrigno
Area di attività: