FIRECE Innovative Financial Instruments for industry low carbon energy transition in Central Europe
To achieve national targets for renewable energy and final energy consumption, the Central Europe regions are committed to investing and accelerating funding in concrete energy sustainability actions. The main objective of FIRECE is to increase the capacity of the regional operator to manage local energy plans, with particular regard to the financial resources available at local level to enhance investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency in industry, especially in SMEs. The focus is on creating innovative financial instruments (IFIs) that act as leverage to multiply available resources. In parallel, quality assessment criteria will be applied to assist local operators and actors in verifying and optimizing the use of public resources for investments in energy efficiency in the industrial sector.
The main results of the project consist in a transnational strategy to implement financial schemes and evaluate investments of public resources for industry, in a strong exchange of knowledge aimed at regional operators, with training courses organized in 9 different regions, in a methodology to guide the application of financial instruments using also a tool available online for local operators, useful for evaluating the quality of investments. The project implements 2 pilot actions in 9 different regions: 6 regions will develop an ex-ante analysis and a feasibility study for the implementation of innovative financial instruments to be included in the ERDF programming period; 5 regions will test the IT tool for evaluating projects and investments supported by public resources in the framework of the regional energy plans. A strong transferability action will ensure the dissemination of results and their sustainability. Among the areas involved in the project there are significant differences in the way of providing financial support to the market: the FIRECE project approach aims to encourage mutual learning and cooperation.
#finance #renewables #energyefficiency #industries