TRIS | Transition Regions towards Industrial Symbiosis

TRIS | Transition Regions towards Industrial Symbiosis

TRIS project will support public bodies to develop activities aimed to increase the resource efficiency and competitiveness through Industrial Symbiosis. The overall objective is to identify and analyse the barriers and/or enabling factors to the widespread and durable adoption of Industrial Symbiosis practices.

The exchange and mutual learning based on partners’ previous experiences and practices will provide each regions with a number of examples of solution to effectively overcome such barriers

- Increase the awareness at local level on Industrial Symbiosis and related benefits (from economic and environmental point of view)
- Develop a culture of collaboration in the territory
- Raise the awareness of european institutions on Industrial symbiosis
- Develop a 2 year action plan for Industrial Symbiosis local application

Project manager: 
Ugo Mencherini
Working Group: 
Valeria Bandini | Leda Bologni | Sara Picone
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