REINWASTE partners joined the 13th edition of R2B 2018
REINWASTE “REmanufacture the food supply chain by testing INnovative solutions for zero inorganic WASTE” kicked off on 10 and 11 April at the Agencia de Gestión Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía (AGAPA), in Granada.
This project will put the spotlight on promoting Mediterranean innovation capacities to develop smart and sustainable growth, showcasing its role in increasing transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of key agrofood sectors in the MED area.
Last 7th of June, project partners met in Bologna in the framework of R2B 2018 - Research to Business, the 13th International Exhibition for Industrial Innovation and Skills for Innovation, to work together around the testing of innovative technologies aimed at reducing the amount of inorganic waste produce along the agrifood value chain.
It was also the occasion to take part to the conference on Circular Economy, during which national key players (Corepla and Federalimentare, Reinwaste partner) shared their views on innovation needs to put Circular Economy in practice.
REINWASTE aims at facilitating and assisting the agro food Companies from the Mediterranean region which are committed to a zero inorganic waste path, to be more competitive and greener i.e. to produce more with less inorganic wastes. According to Mr Ricardo Domínguez, Vice Regional Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development at the Government of Andalusia, “there are many challenges but also opportunities to contribute to sustainable development, generating less waste. It is necessary to think not only of a new way of reducing the generation of waste, but also of consuming.”
This project focuses on SMEs which care about development and innovation in their region and are engaged in cluster initiatives in the field of waste agro food prevention that unable entrepreneurs to cooperate and exchange experiences. In that frame, REINWASTE is conceived as a test project highlighting the application phase in a short-time to respond “time to market” requirements. It optimizes the use of bio-based materials and redesigns the products and processes to limit the production of inorganic wastes. Three influencing food clusters from South European regions of challenges will find and test advanced solutions: horticulture in Andalusia (Spain), dairy in Emilia-Romagna (Italia), meat in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (France). In addition, the region of East Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) will benefit from the methodological approach and will participate in the transferring phase.