RaiSE | Enhancing social enterprises competitiveness through improved business support policies

RaiSE | Enhancing social enterprises competitiveness through improved business support policies

The extension of the RaiSE project is devoted to the exchange of experiences on the impact of Covid-19 on business support policies to social enterprises (SE), in coherence and continuity with RaiSE project’s results. The focus of the proposal is "resilience in and through the sector" - why it is important to support SE competitiveness and how to build a fitting support system.

Therefore, in the extension of the project we will analyse how were SEs affected and how they were involved in the immediate and mid-term reaction to the pandemic (SE as a part of crisis response). This analysis, led by the advisory partner (AP), will reveal why it is important to support SE competitiveness and how to build a fitting support system to strengthen the resilience of the sector and contribute to the sector being an important asset in times of crisis. The original RaiSE consortium, under the lead of the AP, will jointly draw cross-regional conclusions about which support policies work best in a given regional context.

New good practices (GP) around the pandemic response (for or in cooperation with the sector) wil be gathered and included in the Good Practices Guide (GPG). It will be shared and promoted at interregional level through online and face-to-face events thanks to European networks, such as EURADA or REVES. Besides, the exchange of experiences will focus on the lessons learned and take-aways revealed by the crisis in the support systems, by organising workshops and study visits in Emilia-Romagna on how cooperation within the SE ecosystem (public authorities/for profit companies/others) can help to overcome the crisis: co-design of services, digitalisation, support programmes and policies, Ireland on the skills needed to maintain competitiveness and employment while facing an unprecedented crisis and how the SE sector responded to the crisis, and Catalonia on internationalisation of SE as a key element in times of Covid-19. The results of the project (new policies, tools and measures put in place by SE and public authorities) will be available to regional agencies and stakeholders in their efforts to overcome the pandemic effects.


Funding programme:

Start/End date:
01/09/2021- 01/09/2022

International and territorial cooperation. Social innovation

Project manager: 
Roberta Dall'Olio | Alessandra Medici
Area di attività: