Climate-KIC Education - Call per 16 Business coach per la "Climate-KIC Summer School the Journey" 2015


Climate-KIC is one of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) designated by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) as key drivers of European excellence, innovation and growth. Climate-KIC Education creates a generation of climate change entrepreneurs and innovators with the multidisciplinary skills to develop economically, environmentally and socially sustainable approaches to mitigate global warming and adapt to its effects.

For this year's Journey we seek 16 coaches who will facilitate learning of business skills by supporting students in translating knowledge into activities and coaching them to create business plans of their own.

This role requires candidates to work and travel with the students for 5 weeks. Candidates may be assigned to journeys which have a stay in their home city (up to two weeks) however candidates should be prepared to spend up to five weeks abroad. Coaches will attend the full programme (incl. lectures and site visits) together with the students and facilitate and lead all coached learning activities, which may be held early in the morning or in the evening.

Candidates must be motivated, energetic available for the time periods specified, and interested in the EU context of climate change, business and innovation.


The role is not organisational - each journey has an education manager who oversees logistics and organisation of the programme / participants
The role does not include education development - the Journey is designed and populated by the education team.
Support will be provided by climate change and business experts during the Journey providing both lecturers and drop in sessions for the students.


2 days coach training: 20th and 21st May 2015 in Brussels (Attendance is mandatory)
5 weeks Journey: either the 5th July - 8th August or 26th July - 29th August (please indicate preference, coaches must be available to stay in residence for the full five weeks)
3 days preparation and feedback: arranged at the coaches convenience

Key roles and responsibilities

Attendance at a coach training days
Coaching the students during The Journey including:

Facilitating programme elements, such as supporting the ideation process and team formation
Motivating dynamic groups of students to apply their learning in a business context
Supporting students to link up with lecturers and other presenters
Providing local and contextual knowledge and experience for the students
Providing feedback

Knowledge, skills and experience (essential)

Trained and experienced in facilitation, observation, and feedback skills.
Good knowledge and understanding of business plan formation
Good knowledge and understanding of ideation and team creation/development
Confidence to work in scientific and technology field
Leading groups of up to 50 students
Supporting the development of others
Proficient level of English
Interest in climate change adaptation and mitigation

Knowledge, skills and experience (desirable)

Entrepreneurship trainer - including soft skill support
Basics of business
Professional coach
Entrepreneurial financial literacy

Payment: €15.000 Gross

Includes: All travel and expenses incurred for the coach training days, preparation and feedback time, travel to and from the Journey, and subsistence whilst on the Journey.
Excludes: Travel and accommodation during the Journey whilst with the students, weekday breakfast and lunch, and up to three dinners per week, this arranged for you and paid separately by Climate-KIC

Contratto previsto

contratto di consulenza a partita IVA. Il compenso è da intendersi al netto di IVA ma comprensivo di eventuali oneri previdenziali.

Procedure di selezione
Il bando per la raccolta delle candidature per la posizione è diffusa dai partner CLC e RIC del network Climate-KIC. Le candidature raccolte da ogni partner saranno vagliate da commissioni di esperti appositamente nominati e saranno individuati fino a un massimo di 2 candidati per ogni CLC e RIC sulla base dell'eccellenza dei curricula inviati e della rispondenza con le attività previste dal bando.

Comunicazione dei risultati della prima selezione via email: 16/03/2015

I curricula così selezionati saranno inviati dai partner CLC e RIC del network al coordinamento centrale della Climate-KIC che effettuerà la selezione finale per le 16 posizioni con giudizio insindacabile.

Comunicazione dei risultati della selezione finale: 01/04/2015

Responsabile del progetto per ASTER:
Paola Valandro - Education Manager Climate-KIC RIC Emilia-Romagna,

Come presentare la candidatura
Inviare il curriculum nel NUOVO FORMATO EUROPASS (compilando anche i campi sui profili dei social network professionali e inserendo l'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del D.lgs. 196 del 30 giugno 2003) datato e firmato in inglese e LETTERA MOTIVAZIONALE in inglese a: Pamela Ragazzi - Journey Manager, Climate-KIC RIC Emilia-Romagna, indicando il codice della proposta (Cod. 2015-AP001INT)

Le candidature devono essere presentate entro le ore 24.00 (CET) del 02/03/2015
Maggiori informazioni sulla Climate-KIC Summer School the Journey sono disponibili sul sito Climate-KIC


Data di pubblicazione: 
Lunedì, 2 Febbraio, 2015
Data di scadenza: 
Lunedì, 2 Marzo, 2015 - 00:00

In relazione alla selezione di cui in oggetto e a seguito della sessione di valutazione della Commissione esaminatrice tenutasi il 16 marzo 2015, i candidati ritenuti ammissibili alla seconda fase di valutazione operata da Climate-KIC Central Education Team sono:

Michele D'Aliessi
Veronica La Regina, Roberta Gioia (ex aequo) 

Bandi di concorso